All creation vibrates and sounds in endless circles into each other:
the dance of the stars, the dance of the atoms, the dance of the soul, sing the infinite creation song.
Alles Erschaffene schwingt und klingt in unendlichen Kreisen ineinander:
der Tanz der Gestirne, der Tanz der Atome, der Tanz der Seele: alles singt das unendliche Schöpfungslied.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
the dance of the stars, the dance of the atoms, the dance of the soul, sing the infinite creation song.
Alles Erschaffene schwingt und klingt in unendlichen Kreisen ineinander:
der Tanz der Gestirne, der Tanz der Atome, der Tanz der Seele: alles singt das unendliche Schöpfungslied.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
Sound Massage with Tibetan Singing Bowls
The Sound Massage with Tibetan singing bowls is a specific method developed by Peter Hess in Germany, using authentic therapeutic Tibetan singing bowls. These are placed on and around the body. The pleasant sound, calming rhythm and strong vibrations of the singing bowls penetrate the whole body, gently moving and massaging every cell in the system. This allows us to enter a deep state of relaxation, where emotional and physical blockages are released and an expansion of consciousness can take place. The sound massage connects us deeply through our body with our true self, while expanding our transcendent consciousness.
The sound of the singing bowl touches our innermost soul and brings it into vibration. The sound breaks tension, mobilizes self healing forces, and sets free creative energies. Peter Hess, founder |